Sending Us
you fuel dHM
How can they hear unless a preacher is sent……
We Are Spreading The Gospel Message Through Media
Each time I look at our websites analytics I am reminded of how invaluable this scripture truly is. Since our online ministry started in 2017 we have reached the world. In the last 3 years alone we had 1,800+ listeners hearing the Gospel in 31 different countries including but not limited to the U.S., Malta, Canada, Ireland, Brazil, Norway, Netherlands, Nigeria, South Africa, Australia, Russia, Vietnam, and Singapore and a few other that we cannot mention by name due to religious persecution. We stand with our brothers and sisters in faith as they continue to stand on the gospel of Jesus Christ. We at DHM are truly blessed to have a part in spreading the Gospel message through media!
How We Are Expanding Our Reach In 2021!
Now it’s the new year! 2021, will be the best year so far for our ministry! We will be expanding our digital footprint throughout the world by venturing out into new projects. This year DHM will be branching out with translations, video, podcasting and online publications. We are very excited as we venture out into these different mediums. We will post updates on our site!
Shout Out Of Thanks!
A big shout out of thanks to all who have supported and to those who feel lead to support us in our new ventures. I know that this year God will definitely show up and show out with signs, miracles and wonders as His word is being preached throughout the world.
A Word Of Encouragement
Although all of us are experiencing troublesome and difficult times now, remember Jesus remains faithful ! Jesus remains faithful to you and to me and to our families. Jesus remains faithful to you and to me concerning our health during this global pandemic. Jesus remains faithful to you and to me concerning our provision during extending times of shut downs. Jesus remains faithful to you and to me concerning our mental and emotional health during these turbulent times that seem to crush and squeeze to the point of despair. JESUS IS FAITHFUL TO US as we keep our eyes, our focus, our attention and our hearts on Him.
You are bless
Partnering In Reaching
We are doing it fam! We are reaching those who are lost, those who are hopeless, those who experiencing sickness in their bodies, and those who are stretch to max financially, emotionally, and physically. Through your support you enable us to continue to preach and to travel in the midst of a global pandemic. These are hard times no question, yet our faithful partners are still sowing into our ministerial activities, projects, and ministries we sow into. It takes all of us working together to reach our present generation and that is exactly happening here at DHM.
We are reaching this generation with this unstoppable Gospel. We've done this in 2 ways. The first way, is that all of our publications and media is available online. The second way is that everything is accessible at no charge! It doesn’t cost anyone worldwide to hear, view, or read content DHM produces.
Thank you for sowing into DHM. We don’t take your generosity for granted. We know and believe in giving and receiving expounded in the book of Philippians. We know that even during this global crisis, God is providing for His people. However, before you give, we at DHM want to make it very clear please do not give tithes into our ministry! We are not a local church! In the midst of shutdowns due to the global pandemic local churches worldwide need to be supported by its members ! Local churches are lights in every city, state, and country( Revelations Chapter 3) and our world needs these lights to shine bright. Please make financial support for your local church and its pastors and staff your first priority. Thank you!
Supporting DHM should be purely done from a sowing perspective after the local church is provided for.
Every gift given to DHM is a non tax-deductible donation.
There are 2 ways to give: