From left to right: Wilson or interpreter, Greg, Dorian, Tanna, Bianca, Tammy. The back Row left to right: Mike, Me, Dan, Ruben, My Pastor, Jim Harris, Pastor Ortiz, next in the orange hat is the founder of South-American call, the ministry we partner with for this mission trip, Joe Mercer
Over 200 Children surrender their lives to Jesus during the 8 day Congresso meetings.
I was given such a wonderful opportunity to baptize new believers in the Amazon river!!! GLORY TO GOD!!!
Team member Ruben baptizing new believers in the Amazon River
Team member Dan baptizing new believers in the Amazon River!
6 services a day for 8 days is what this mission trip entailed. Those in attendance came hungry and ready for the ministering of the Word of God. Hot, wet, or rainy it didn’t matter, the believers and pastors of the churches on the Amazon River came to every service!
This is the tent where the Congressos meetings took place!
He wants to follow in his dad’s footsteps and be an interpreter for missionaries doing work in the Amazon. Also, he has mad dance skills/ break dancer!!
Every service believers young or old were consistently taking notes as we ministered the Word of God to them.
Pet monkeys were common and often they hung out around their owners wrist like a watch.
This is the village where the meetings took place.
What a wonderful opportunity for me break bread , The Word of God, with my brothers and sister in Christ during the afternoon meeting!
This is Tanna our children ministry coordinator having a BLAST with the youth!!!